FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions


Data Security Measures and Integration with AI Solutions Total 

What security measures are in place for data collection within Abundant?  

We utilize Zoho Workdrive for secure storage of sensitive documents with encryption, while energy and IoT contracts are managed through DocuSign.  

Are there any AI technologies available? 

AbiBot serves as your 24/7 AI assistant, catering to all facets of IoT with sophistication. Leveraging advanced AI capabilities, it delivers personalized support, continually evolving through interactions to enhance efficiency and tailor your experience to perfection. 

Abundant’s Role Beyond Energy Brokerage and Minimum Usage Thresholds Total 

Is Abundant primarily an energy broker focused on delivering energy efficiency savings? 

We offer comprehensive services beyond energy procurement brokerage, serving as a supplier of IoT solutions tailored to bill end users and seamlessly integrate with energy systems (eIoT). 

What is the minimum energy usage threshold for customer engagement to be viable for a deal? 

Engagement can be viable with as little as $1000 in monthly supply portion of electricity and natural gas bills. 

Geographical Coverage and Service Offerings Total  

What is the geographic coverage of Abundant IoT’s services? 

Abundant IoT’s presence extends throughout the United States, ensuring comprehensive support regardless of your location. Our dedicated channel managers provide tailored assistance, emphasizing our commitment to delivering cost-effective solutions nationwide. 

Natural Gas Procurement: Available in approximately half of the US states. For a detailed breakdown, consult our energy deregulation map provided at Abundant IoT Energy Deregulation Map. 

Electricity Deregulation: Present in 15 states across the Northeast, Midwest, and Texas regions. Our harmonic filter, a key component of our energy efficiency solutions, can be installed in all states. Remember to have your electric bill handy for seamless integration. 

Please speak to one of our experts for more information: Talk to an Expert 

Can Abundant IoT support international applications? 

Absolutely! We have a broad scope of offerings tailored for international markets. Please speak to one of our experts for more information: Talk to an Expert 


Target Audiences and Sector-Specific Solutions Total 

Who does Abundant primarily target with its services? 

At Abundant, our primary targets for our services are C-level executives (CIO, CFO, COO), VP of Finance, VP of Operations, and General Managers. We recognize the potential for savings and efficiency improvements across various sectors, including municipalities and K-12 schools.  

Are there opportunities with Abundant regarding EV charging? 

Absolutely. We offer comprehensive electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions tailored to meet the growing demand in this sector. Whether it’s for commercial, or public infrastructure, our EV charging solutions provide versatile and sustainable options to support the transition towards electric mobility. We only accept owner-operator opportunities on an ICB basis.   

Does Abundant’s energy services include both Natural Gas and Electricity? Can this be sold to manufacturers/factories? 

Yes, our energy solutions encompass both natural gas and electricity, offering comprehensive coverage for diverse energy needs. Our offerings are highly suitable for manufacturers and factories, providing tailored solutions to optimize energy usage and reduce costs. Additionally, our expertise in IoT enables us to deliver innovative solutions specifically designed to enhance efficiency and productivity in manufacturing environments. 

Can power/energy companies benefit from Abundant’s service?  

Certainly. Our track record speaks to our success in assisting clients with IoT implementation, offering tailored solutions to address their specific needs and challenges. We excel in providing niche and boutique energy services, leveraging our expertise to deliver innovative and customized offerings that drive tangible results for our clients. 

Liability and Contract Terms Total 

Is there any risk of liability? 

 It’s not very different from telecom liability. Abundant IOT, as the provider, carries the liability not the advisor. 

What happens as the contract comes to an end? Is there a provision for renewal/renegotiation?  

Similar to telecom contracts, we typically offer annual or semi-annual renewal options for our customers. This allows for ongoing collaboration and ensures that our services remain aligned with their evolving needs and priorities. 

How many bills do I need to submit to Abundant IoT? One Month or a year?  

While annual billing is optimal and necessary for implementing the harmonic filter, we understand the importance of efficiency. Therefore, we can initiate our analysis process for energy procurement with just one month’s bill. 

How is Abundant priced?  MRC?  

Our pricing structure varies depending on the product or service offered. IoT is an upfront cost and a small recurring subscription.  Energy solutions, in particular, exhibit higher variability compared to traditional MRC (Monthly Recurring Charges) models commonly seen in telecom and cloud services. 


Which TSD(s) is Abundant IoT partnered with?  

Abundant IoT is currently a Supplier for Telarus and ACS Cloud. Abundant is in conversations with all of the large TSD’s.  Tell them that you want us and that will accelerate the process!  

When can we expect commission payouts from TSD? 

We generally payout commission the month after we collect the revenue associated with that commission. The timing of commission payouts from TSD is contingent upon the TSD timeline, and as such, it varies accordingly. Should you require further clarification or assistance regarding commission payouts, please feel free to reach out to your TSD and/or our dedicated support team at commissions@abundantiot.com. 

How are commissions paid out? 

Commissions are disbursed through a streamlined process involving the delivery of CSV and/or Excel files. If you require assistance, our dedicated team stands ready to provide comprehensive support at commissions@abundantiot.com. 

Customer Objections and Solutions 

What are common customer objections, and why might some hesitate to opt in despite the potential benefits? 

Customer objections may stem from concerns about potential disruptions to their power supply and a lack of understanding about energy brokerage services, leading to hesitation in opting for our solutions.  

However, it’s essential to note that all energy procurement is sourced from the same grid, ensuring consistent service quality. Once customers grasp this concept, they tend to be more receptive to the idea of switching to a third-party energy supplier (REP). 

Who do I contact to discuss opportunities with Abundant?  

You can email us directly at energy@abundantiot.com. For added convenience, you may also fill out our interested form here to initiate the conversation. We look forward to connecting with you soon. 

IoT Integration for Security and Efficiency 

do you get into IoT for security/security cameras/badge verification/opening gates and doors? 

Yes, we offer Iot for physical security and all the of the above and can integrate with energy services 

Does customer have to change IoT carriers? No. However, if tapping the LongFi (LoRaWAN + blockchain) product, you need to provision the sensors on the 915 (Helium) spectrum. 

XAmplify PRM – Partner Relationship Management – Onboarding Session Questions  

Is there a way to scrub lists when uploading contacts?  

Yes, xAmplify will automatically scrub contacts to ensure every email is active. Please follow the format to upload contacts on the Amplify  

Are there work flow capabilities with email campaigns to send out multiple emails?  

Yes there is an option to send out additional emails after x amount of days depending on the scenario. You will have the option to set up the work flow before you launch the campaign.  

Are there other campaigns available?  

 As of right now, only email campaigns but please let our marketing dept. Know if there is another type of campaign you would want to launch and we can go from there.  

We are also constantly updating the library with new material applicable to different verticals.  

Is all of the material co-branded? Do I need to add my logo in manually everytime?  

Yes all of the campaigns and collateral pieces are co-branded. No you don’t need to manually input your logo onto the pieces, your logo will atomically populate.  

Who should I tell on the Abundant IoT Team if i have a lead from an xAmplify campaign? 

Please let your Channel Manager be aware and mention which xAmplify campaign it was from! That way our team is aligned right from the start! 

Is there a way to funnel the communication on the documents and campaigns? 

Yes, there is an option to include your information via merge tags, buttons that link to emails, websites, phone numbers, and text messages. You can control how customers communicate with you.  

Event Related Questions 

Where can I find more information about upcoming events hosted by Abundant IoT? 

You can easily access information about our upcoming events and register to attend by visiting our event registration page. Just click here to explore our upcoming events and secure your spot today! 



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